Jud "Fabio" Birza, a 21-Year-Old Model from Missouri defeated Chase Rice and Matthew "Sash" Lenehan to win Survivor Nicaragua in a 5-4-0 Vote, become th eYoungest Winner ever.
The Finale was a usual one, the Two Final Immunity Challenges, 3 Tribal Councils, a lot of Scrambling, etc. Except it brought us some of the most memorable moments ever.
After he was Voted off, Dan went on a hilarious rant about how he hated the other Castaways, only which I saw as his last 15 Minutes of Fame. Later, during the Fallen Commrades Segment which I have become fond of, when they ot to NaOnka Mixon, she summed up the season saying, "I was friendly," this was followed by footage of Mixon knocking Kelly Bruno over to get a Hidden Immunity Idol clue, and NaOnka stealing the food at the merge.
At the Final Tribal Council between Chase, Sash, and Fabio; most of the jury seemed bitter by Chase's and Sash's deception. Expecially Sash, who Dan said needed an Eye Exam to get rid of his weird wink, I thought some of them were mean, while others were more civalized.
After the votes were Cast, Probst collected the urn, then after the pre-taped portion, we were sent Live in LA where Fabio was declared the Winner.
One of the best moments of the night came when Probst questioned Homophobic douche Shannon about his comments is Episode 2 where he accused Sash of being gay. Without missing a beat Shannon said, "I was just calling a duck a duck." Sash added, "I did meet his girlfriend," however Probst didn't want to hear anymore, Probst quickly cut Asshole Shannon's comments and moved on, proving the editing had nothing to do with what we saw from Shannon, and that he is indeed, a douchebag.
The show ended with apreview of the 22nd Season of Survivor entitled Survivor: Redemption Island, which premieres this February.
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