For months, people have questioned how Idol would be without SImon. The Answer: The same show it has always been. The premiere last night pvoded, that the show is still as good as it has always been.
Last night, the Judges went to East Rutherford, Ne wJersey to audition hopeuls for the Tenth Season. We saw some good, bad, and even some down right weird auditions.
The worst and most amusing Audition of the night came from Yoji "Pop" Asano, who was a Michael Jackson impersonator. He said that he had been impersonating MJ since he wasin the womb. Good god, I hope he was kidding. It would freak me out if I saw a 3 week old Fetus doing the moonwalk in a woman's Uterus. Asano performed Miley's Party in the USA. It was awful, from the dancing down to him saying, "Butterflies fry away." When asked by Seacrest if he liked Miley Cyrus, he responded by saying, "Not wreally."
One of the best auditions of the night came form Travis Orlando, who I swear is related somehow to Bruno Mars. He performed two songs, and the judges told him to loosen up a little. He was one of several people to make it to Hollywood.
Tonight, the Judges head to NOLA or a One-Hour Audition Episode at 8 on FOX.
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