On the first Live Show for Live to Dance, Ballet Duo White Tree Fine Art claimed the last Spot in the Semi-Finals, while the largest group in the Competition, The Vibe was chosen by the Judges to Advance to the Finals.
The show began with White Tree Fine art being revealed as the final Act toAdvance to the Semi-Finals, then the Competition began as the First Group of Semi-Finals took the Stage.
The Vibe took the stage first and did an Instrumental Mash-Up of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal. The Judges all gave The Vibe high marks, and Three Gold Stars.
Up next, was Hip Hop dancer Jittin' Genius who was also highly praised by the Judges for his unique style of Dance.
Next was Chi-Town finest Breakers, a group of Young Siblings from Chicago. They danced to a Mash-Up of several Jackson 5 songs and Rapper's Delight by Sugarhill Gang. They didn't recieve as much Praise as the First Two. Kimberly Wyatt and Travis Payne both remarked they were not the best and gave them Red Stars. Paula however praised the young Group with a Gold Star.
10-Year-Old Lyrical/Hip-Hop dancer Austen Acevedo was next. He didn't get very positive comments from the judges, who not only said he had some Improving to do, but all gave him Red Stars. What the hell?
Bev & Hap were next. They danced a real Weird dance that has yet to have a Style. I might just call it the Suicide dance, considering Bev & Hap could expire at any moment. They were only given a Gold Star by Paula.
Last up were Latin Prodigies and future Jon & Kate, D'Angelo & Amanda. They were definately the best of the night, and deserved every ounce of Praise they recieved from the Judges.
After all 6 acts performed, the Judges revealed The Vibe moved on. I was a little suprised theychose The Vibe, considering D'Angelo & Amanda were obviously the best Act of the night. I hope america chooses to put them through. I actually wouldn't mind any of the acts to go through. Well, um...on second thought if Bev & Hap move on, I might have to deliver an Oxygen Tank to the Studio for their use.
Thank You
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